The sun shone, the crowds were out in force and there was a real buzz in the air. (Results for HFT shooting here.)
Two competitions were run by EJ Churchill.
The National Clay Shoot Out
Competition was keen for the exciting 50-bird English Sporting technical clay competition. The prize pot was £1,000 High Gun, £400 Ladies, £400 Veteran, £200 Juniors (under 16s).
Winners were:
High Gun Mark Marshall – 46
Ladies – Marie Meadows – 42
Veterans – Pat Dickman – 43
Junior – Kai Renolds – 34

Mark Marshall, announced High Gun winner
Another event was the Shooting Show Competition Challenge

The Steel Plate Challenge
Results for the Steel Plate Challenge
Here are the top three
1st James Morgan 23.32 seconds
2nd Dylan Mohole 23.96 seconds
3rd Toby Riley 24.24 seconds
1st Lady Helen Taylor 39.48 seconds
1st Junior Alfie Wren 44.38 seconds